Coronavirus Update

Dear Clients and Friends:
We are living through extraordinary times, unprecedented and full of uncertainty – and we recognize that strong leadership is necessary to maintain stability and confidence in the wake of the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic. We respect and appreciate the strong leadership of our Governor and other state and local officials as well as the cooperative relationship that has been forged with health care professionals and scientists throughout the State of Ohio and beyond. We believe that, together, we will find our way through this crisis.
Please know that your team at Wegman Hessler is and will be available to help you navigate through the essential decisions facing you, individually and in your businesses and organizations. We remain “at the ready” to assist you. Currently, the Wegman Hessler offices remain open and our attorneys and staff are prepared and equipped to provide the legal services you’ve come to expect from us and to do so throughout these challenging circumstances. Should it become necessary to work remotely from outside our offices, please be assured that we are prepared to make that transition and will continue to provide the service you need.
Our attorneys are monitoring the evolving landscape of the COVID-19 outbreak and will provide relevant updates on the situation as it develops. We are available to offer guidance and advice as issues arise that demand your attention and need to be resolved. To that end, we encourage you to contact us with any of your legal questions or business concerns at (216) 642-3342 or e-mail any of our attorneys and we will respond and provide the assistance you need.
Please know that we are keeping you, your family, your team, and your organization in our thoughts and prayers. We are in this together…and together we will meet the challenges before us.
Peter A. Hessler
Managing Partner
General information concerning virus infection rates, travel restrictions, and public health messages can be found online:
Click here for Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Click here for Ohio Department of Health
Click here for Cuyahoga County
Prevention and minimizing the spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) among your workforce is key to keeping your business operational and our communities safe. We encourage you to follow the guidance referenced above and to contact us regarding any legal concerns or business questions you may have.
The attorneys at Wegman Hessler are here to support you and your business to navigate the complexities created by COVID-19.
Wegman Hessler specializes in business law for business leaders, applying legal discipline to solve business problems to help business owners run smarter. For more than 50 years, this Cleveland business law firm provides full-service strategic legal counsel for closely held businesses. Learn more at