Notable News – August 2017

Lawrence S. Crowther represented one of Wegman Law’s clients in connection with the recent acquisition of substantially all of the assets of a manufacturing business located in Sheffield, England. Wegman Law coordinated the negotiation and closing of the transaction along with Stuart Haynes of Aaron & Partners as English counsel. Wegman Law and Arron & Partners are Members of IAG/Integrated Advisory Group International.
Peter A. Holdsworth and Angela M. Lavin volunteered at Bard Early College last semester in conjunction with the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association Mock Trial Competition. Their team prevailed on two trials during the competition, and one of their students won the outstanding defense attorney award.
Wegman Hessler specializes in business law for business leaders, applying legal discipline to solve business problems to help business owners run smarter. For more than 50 years, this Cleveland business law firm provides full-service strategic legal counsel for closely held businesses. Learn more at